Quality Built Industrial Furnace Systems For Over 25 Years
Infrared Heating Technologies specializes in designing and manufacturing custom industrial furnaces. Although our custom furnaces are one of a kind, specific to the customer’s application, we design each system to be turnkey, efficient, low maintenance, and cost-effective.
What is an Industrial Furnace?
As a general rule, Industrial Furnaces operate at temperatures at above 1000°F . There are a wide range of high heat applications implemented such as annealing, tempering and hardening. Curing of composites, polymers, powder, and paint can be achieved using an Industrial Furnace System. Typically, furnaces apply direct heat, therefore more robust material such as various metals, molds, aluminum billets, etc. are used.
Types of Industrial Furnaces
Infrared Heating Technologies manufactures industrial batch, tunnel and conveyor furnace systems based on infrared, infrared/convection combination, electric infrared, direct fire gas, gas convection, and electric convection heating.

Hot Stamping Three Zone Stack Furnace
Infrared vacuum furnaces can be designed with water and air-cooled system features dual control zones, a loading/unloading rail system, full vacuum and atmospheric control capabilities.
The IHT Infrared Vacuum Furnace uses radiant heating filaments to heat parts in a vacuum and/or protective atmosphere. The system offers very short cycle times and is specifically designed for experimental small parts vacuum batch processing.
IHT manufactures a line of Aluminum Billet Conveyor Pre-Heat Furnaces for forging and extrusion processes. These furnaces are based on the rapid infrared heating technology developed jointly between Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Infrared Heating Technologies (IHT). Rapid infrared heating of aluminum forgings can enhance physical properties, such as improved fatigue life, fine grain aluminum microstructure, and better response to heat treatment. Infrared heating technology also reduces energy consumption and lower production costs.